All the Crows in the World are Black
Yes it is true that some athletes are born with inherent capabilties to excel to the highest levels. However none ever make elite status without years of dedicated training. The same goes for all lifters .. you want to reach your highest potential .. then train like the elite .. all crows are indeed black.
Tuesday April 6, 2010
Evening Session at Donny's Weightlifting Bay:
Z-Health R-phase Level 2 Dynamic Joint Mobility
Snatch (kg):
40 x 2 x 4
50 x 2 x 2
60 x 1 x 2
65 x 1 x 1
70 x 1 x 1
75 x 1 x 1
C&J (kg):
50 x 1 x 4
70 x 1 x 2
80 x 1 x 1
85 x 1 x 1
90 x 1 x 1
Snatch Pull (kg):
80 x 3 x 2
Front Squat (kg):
50 x 5
70 x 4
80 x 2
90 x 2
100 x 2
This was the second to last session before the National Masters on Saturday and I followed Freddie's program almost exactly. With the exception of a sloppy jerk with 90, all lifts felt solid.
Thursday April 8, 2010
Morning Session in my Basement Dungeon:
Z-Health R-phase Level 2 Dynamic Joint Mobility
Snatch (kg):
40 x 2 x 3
50 x 1 x 2
56 x 7 x 1 [11001]
60 x 2 x 1
Clean & Jerk (kg):
50 x 1 x 2
60 x 1 x 2
70 x 5 x 1
70 x 2 x 1
This was the last session before Saturday's National Masters meet. I relaxed for two of 56kg snatches and the results were missed lifts. Then I really focused on a explosive catch and the two singles with 60kg were very smooth and quick.
On my cleans it took several attempts before I remembered to whip the arms as I landed .. this helped tremendously in catching the bar in a strong rack and bouncing out of the hole. On my jerks I was catching the weight off balance even with 60kg. It wasn't until I remembered to explosively lock out my arms that I decided to add two additional singles remembered .. I landed in perfectly balanced for both.
I feel very solid with my training over the last two months. Regardless of what prevails in the meet, I have been consistent and vigilant in my training .. and really enjoying it as well!