Saturday, January 10, 2009

a very ugly muscle snatch PR

Saturday January 10, 2009

Morning Warmup:

Z-Health: Neural Warm-up Level 2 (Dynamic Joint Mobility Drills)

BW x 1 x 10 Heavy blue band Goodmorning
BW x 1 x 5 Ab wheel on the knee rollouts, 5 sec hold and rollback

Afternoon Oly Session:

Squat Snatch (kg)
40 x 3 x 3
45 x 3 x 2
50 x 2 x 2
55 x 2 x 2
40 x 2 x 5
45 x 1 x 3
50 x 1 x 2

Muscle Snatch (kg)
60 x 1 x 1
62 x 3 x 1

Front Squat (lb)
135 x 1 x 4
150 x 1 x 4
165 x 5 x 4
165 x 1 x 5

Some regression on the squat snatches. The muscle snatches were supposed to be either squat or power snatches but I was too darned scared to get under them. I went back to light weights afterward and was coached through a better hip movement. Typical .. a few steps forward and a few backwards but overall progress.

Weight: 184 lb (I was 176 back in June .. started increasing the junk over the holidays and pounds quickly followed)

Total volume: 9500 lbs

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