Friday, June 13, 2008

My first post RKC Cert training session

Yesterday morning after a good nights sleep and three required consecutive days of rest training to re-cover from the RKC Cert, I undertook a twenty minute training session. I felt remarkably rested and ready to resume training. I do keep finding myself going back to the DD Cert photos to re-capture the feeling of what transpired. It helps remind of all the incredible students and instructors I don't ever want to forget, the majority of which I did not have an opportunity to talk at length with.

For the session I paid special attention to implement many of the form corrections I received through out the Cert. This will take time as re-programming happens slowly to re-work a year of less than optimal form. As a result, I will be focusing on shorter but tighter, mindful sessions.

24kg x 1 x (9 x 4/4, 1 x 5/5) one arm LCCJ no putting the bell down
Total: 82 reps in 10 minutes

This increased my reps by two but took more time .. I slowed down the cadence from 5/5 to 4/4 to increase the TUB (time under bell) in order to hold on for the full the 10 minutes .. previously I only lasted to 9 minutes at the faster pace.

24kg combo (based on my RKC grad workout):
  • Snatch Left
  • Lower to rack
  • Front squat
  • Military Press
  • hand to hand swing transfer
  • Snatch Right
  • Lower to rack
  • Front squat
  • Military Press
  • 10 Two-hand swings
Total: Ten sets @ 1set/min

This worked out to about :40 work :20 rest. The two 10 minute sessions were very demanding and more than enough to re-start my hard-style training.


Sean Schniederjan RKC said...

no walking swings?

could you shoot me an email?

educasean at hotmail dot com

i'm about to launch something business related and wanted to get your feedback.

Gabi said...

I'll have to try this later today :)

Franklin said...


Really not enough room in my basement for walking swings, however I can and will try this outside.


Coming from Eastern European Kettlebell Circuit/Combo queen, I'm quite flattered!!