Monday, March 30, 2009

A new assistance lift: Behind the neck snatch grip push-presses

Sunday March 30, 2009

Although Saturday was the first day back since recovering from a pulled lower back muscle, knowing that Sunday would be snatches and not too heavy I lifted at the club.

Early afternoon Olympic Lifting Session:

Z-Health: Neural Warm-up Level 2 (Dynamic Joint Mobility Drills)

Snatches (kg) [Goal: Hang-snatch 4 x 3 @70%]
20 x 1 x 5 Hang snatch
20 x 1 x 5 Snatch balance
40 x 2 x 3 Hang snatch
40 x 1 x 4 Snatch balance
47 x 1 x 4 Hang snatch (1 miss)
47 x 1 x 1 Snatch balance
47 x 4 x 3 Hang snatch
50 x 1 x 3 Hang snatch (1 miss)

Snatch pulls (kg) [Goal: 5 x 3 @ 95%]
60 x 4 x 3

Behind the neck snatch grip push-press (kg): [Goal: 3 x 5 x 85%]
50 x 3 x 5
55 x 1 x 5
60 x 1 x 5

This was a nice low volume snatch session. I was able to hang squat snatch all but one lift when I pulled it too high. The snatch pulls went very well as I could feel both of my feet pushing the floor away while maintaining full foot contact before the second pull. Going with a moderate weight with these was the key to really understanding how to perform this lift. The behind the neck snatch grip push presses were very easy with the the called for weight of 50kg. At 60kg I had to work a little harder but not much. What made these so easy I think had to do with the leverage of having the bar behind my neck. For some reason I feel much more rooted to the ground with my entire foot than with the clean grip. As a result, the quick dip and drive upwards is felt completely in my legs and hips.

Total volume: 8000 lbs


Diet and Nutrition:

Goal: 182 lbs by April 2009

Sunday March 29, 2009

Current: 183 lbs

Two days and a pound to go.


Martin Schap said...

I always find that I can put up more weight from behind the neck. It is a much more stable and powerful position. Glad it suits you. Not everyone has the fleibility to do that lift.

Franklin said...


Agreed, its probably the same reason why one can back squat on average 16% more than front squat.