Morning weight-in: 177 lbs. Like a kid who can't sleep on Christmas Eve, I too succumbed to this over-zealous state as I had recently successfully negotiated on craigslist a used 375lb Olympic weight set complete with a Hammer-strength plate tree. I was to meet the seller early in the morning and was just too wired and excited. It turns out the guy was an incredibly nice trainer who ran a private studio and was selling some equipment. He was aware of PTTP and asked to me to email him to let him know how I was progressing.
Fighter Pull-ups Neutral Grip:
BW 2 x 3,2,1
BW 4 x 2,1
BW 1 x 3,2,1
Total: 30 reps
This a volume PR for pull-ups and it was spread over several hours. The rep scheme is a hybrid of the Russian Fighter Pull-up program and reverse power ladders. As usual I warmed-up with Z and did Z drills between ladders.
I decided to put the new Olympic weight set to immediate use with a dead-lift PTTP linear cycle (I thank Colin of the UK for providing valuable feedback in implementing this program). I also decided that I would switch to a sumo-style DL as I was having too much lower back problems getting the bar moving with my previous DL experimentation at the gym. With sumo-style, my hips are much lower to ground .. low and behold, sumo is for me as, I had absolutely no lower back pain .. I was able to push off with feet as if jumping up:
Sumo DL Linear PTTP Cycle: (lbs)
Day 1: 145 x 5, 135 x 5
Given how positively my elbows have responded to Z, I decided to add back MP ladders instead of any push-up variations . Due to my left shoulder injury of old, I have to use a substantially lighter weight with the left vs my right arm:
ROP MP ladders:
24kg right, 16 kg left: 2 x 1,2,3,4,5
Thirty MP per arm was plenty volume for my 1st time back since pressing last Sep. I followed the recommendation of Mike Mahlers new "Beginner KB Workshop" DVD and did not perform any negative ... I just let the bell drop and caught it with a dip just like a KB jerk. This really made it much easier on my elbows.
Diet and Nutrition Log
1 bowl of Kitchari with sweet potato, Toor Dal and Green Gram Curry
2 cups of coffee with tbs of 1/2 and 1/2
2 dates
1 banana
Morning Snack:
1 banana
1 piece of Winfrey's Dark Chocolate Almond Bark
1/2 of a large Winfrey's Dark Chocolate Champaign truffle
Linner (Late Lunch + Dinner):
1/2 glass of red wine
1 large bowl of Cilantro pan-fried salmon and Sichuan Shrimp with Veggies
1 small piece of pie
1 scoop of ice cream
Late afternoon snack:
1 bowl of freshly made Kitchari
Sweet deal you got there! And nice workout space!! I'm jealous.
I might have to order that Mahler DVD myself. It sounds too good to wait!!
Send me email with your home address, I will send you the Mahler DVD today ..
That certainly is an impressive set up Franklin. You ever see the pics of my dungeon? Makes yours look like a health spa haha
Look forward to seeing that DL going up and up :)
I found your "My Gym" pictures .. totally wicked and cool! You've got enough hardware and gadgets there to give the Texas Chainsaw murderer a run for his money .. lotsa neat stuff!
My setup is "comfy", yours has "character".
I'm looking forward to your progress with this. Sumo sounds like a good switch for you.
The difference was night and day. Once I get through a few 10 day PTTP linear cycles with sumo, I will go back and try conventional. Its possible I'll be okay with it once I build enough back and glut strength without lower back discomfort.
Could be. Even regular sumo lifters like my wife and brother use conventional style on occasion, even as an assistance lift.
Here's something you can do. Look up the next powerlifting meet in your area, and then go watch it. Should be fun and enlightening.
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